From Readers
Keep on writing and chugging away!Kamryn 01.02.2012 at 00:01
[Posted for Pete]
Am in throws of Food Addiction. Weigh 267 lbs and am 6ft tall…Approx BMI 36.
It affects all areas of my life and has done for the last 15 years. I work as a psychiatric nurse on a Drug and Alcohol detox unit and what strikes me is that after the client’s 28 day treatment they often leave the unit looking a 100 dollars (or where I come from 100 pounds). I could be abstinent from food ( 3 daily meals, size controlled, no refined carbs or sugar or wheat) for 28 days and I would still be obese. Further the high I get from food finishes with the last mouthful. I have never had cocaine but I know the high lasts far longer than that!!!
I have had issues with alcohol in the past but food was my first and most persistent addiction. In UK we dont have state sponsored food detox units and I cant afford to pay privately so feel like I’m between a rock and a hard place. Helpadmin 08.29.2011 at 08:08
I have recently found I suffer from a food addiction. I loved the you tube readings from the book and I have bought the kindle book. I share alot of your history in many ways. Thanks.Richie 08.22.2011 at 09:08
I deliberately started reading Michael’s book between the Christmas and New Year’s holidays…a time of socially acceptable over-indulgence. My entire being experienced a dramatic shift when observing not only my own eating patterns but those of family and friends at various celebrations. There is no question in my mind that the answer to our nation’s obesity epidemic lies in better understanding the emotional connections between food and health. All the diets in the world are pointless if we don’t truly understand what motivates us to eat.
This book was a brave and bold commentary on one man’s struggle to overcome such enormous obstacles. The self-awareness that grew throughout Michael’s ordeal was so powerful. It’s an amazing testament to his personal growth that he is now enjoying life in ways never before imaginable. Congrats Michael! Very well done.Julie Kniznik 01.07.2011 at 15:01
Michael bravely tells all. In a compelling read he brings to light for all of us a personal and silent struggle that is becoming epidemic. His important message should start a crusade to fight food addiction on many fronts. This book and its author lay the foundation for a national dialogue. It is more than a book on obesity, It is an inspirational compelling read about adults growing up. It’s about personal growth, spiritual growth and emotional growth.Anonymous 12.10.2010 at 11:12
I stayed last night and read your book. It felt like binge reading. I had no idea you were so fucked up.
Seriously, nice job. It was eminently readable, even for someone who doesn’t have a clue about what you go through with food.DB 11.02.2010 at 16:11
In Fat Boy, Thin Man, Michael Prager has bared his soul in bravely sharing his life-long struggle with obesity and its underlying psychological components. Prager poignantly recalls his childhood years, the shunning that occurred due to his size, and how those experiences shaped the man he would become. He honestly analyzes the defensive techniques he used throughout his youth and into adulthood as he tried to navigate life while foolishly believing himself to be in control. He deftly weaves facts about obesity, food addiction, and treatments into his personal story.
His goal in sharing his story is to support the argument that food addiction needs to be included in the APA’s list of substance-use disorders. I found this book hard to put down–I could feel the honesty of his hurt and struggles on every page. What he writes is true, and his passion to change the world in this small but important way is clearly presented. I especially appreciated his openness in sharing struggles with accepting a “higher power” and his slow but sure conversion from “rage” to “prayer.” I applaud Michael for having the courage to share even the most intimate details of his battle, his ongoing recovery, and his impassioned plea for more professional attention to food addiction and its underlying implications for our society. I heartily recommend this book.Elizabeth 10.24.2010 at 15:10
This is a terrific book, written in a casual yet sophisticated style and brimming with painfully honest self-observations and much wisdom. Although the title suggests the outcome, it’s still a cliff-hanger: you wonder if Mike is finally going to overcome his addictions.Mike Waller 10.12.2010 at 05:10
For anyone addicted to food, this book is a must read. What most people don’t understand about food addiction is that it IS an addiction, and it can’t be controlled by will power alone.
The author courageously describes his efforts to control food addiction and what led him to certains beliefs. He shows the reader new ways to cope with and control the problem; this book offers practical help.Ray 10.11.2010 at 08:10
Wishing you all the best with this publication. Remember: “Just for today.”Anonymous 09.03.2010 at 08:09
I hope this reaches a lot of parents of heavy children. Maybe they will leave it on the coffee table and the children will flip through it. I know from personal experience you cannot force children or adults for that matter to lose weight. They really have to want to.
Parents’ responsibilty is to remove unhealthy snacks from the home and lead by example. Including more exercise.
Since your book is not published yet I don’t know if it is in your book, but my mother had an expression “it is not what you are eating it is what is eating you.” So much of eating is less about the food and more about emotions.
I wish you great success with your book.DianeStarbucks 09.03.2010 at 08:09
Can there be any doubt after reading this book that food addiction is real? David Kessler’s recent book “The End of Overeating” has made clear that the food industry is eager to exploit that addiction. May the millions of Americans currently suffering from the epidemic of obesity find hope and inspiration in Michael’s story.ShannonK 08.19.2010 at 10:08
I was impressed by how the book confirms step by step every criterion for addiction. I don’t think it’s only for those wanting to lose 10 pounds. It’s for people seeking to change their lives and their perspectives about weight loss and food as an addiction.Liz. O. 08.19.2010 at 06:08
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From Experts
“I [STARTED OUT] AMONG THE SKEPTICS who felt food addiction was a copout. But after meeting Prager and reading his book, my view has shifted.” JENNIFER LARUE HUGET, “Eat, Drink and Be Healthy” columnist, Washington Post
PRAGER PROVIDES A COMPELLING and lucid description of the process of addiction, well characterized for abused drugs, but now for another abused substance – food. Rarely does anyone gain such razor-sharp insights into oneself, and then have the courage to display these for the world to see. This book is not only for those interested in food and/or addiction but has relevance to everyone seeking a better understanding of our own behavior.” JOSEPH FRASCELLA, Director, Division of Clinical Neuroscience and Behavioral Research, National Institute of Drug Abuse
ANYONE WHO IS WONDERING about their own food issues or who wants to learn about food addiction, would do well to read this book. You will see how you are not alone and how if one person achieves long term success, so can you. Mr. Prager is not an expert in the field, but his lived experience will suggest strategies towards your own recovery, and most of all, will inspire you back to hope.” Dr. VERA INGRID TARMAN, MD, MSc, FCFP, CSAM
PRAGER IDENTIFIES KEY PARALLELS between ‘traditional’ addictions and addiction behaviors focused on food, and his compelling story will make people think harder about the root causes of the obesity epidemic.” JEFFREY W. GRIMM, PhD, Western Washington University researcher on the neurobiology of how craving contributes to food and drug relapse
THROUGH HIS COMPELLING PERSONAL account of food addiction, Prager gives credence to the underlying dynamics that addiction is addiction whether food, alcohol, or drugs. With so many Americans, including children, experiencing obesity, diabetes, and the other serious consequences of food addiction, this is a book whose time has come. I can’t recommend this book highly enough.” LORI S. HEROLD, registered dietitian and nutritionist specializing in eating disorders at Turning Point of Tampa, a treatment center
A POIGNANT, COMPASSIONATE, AND humorous page-turner. It was an eye-opener for me, even after 14 years of education and experience in the field of food addiction.” JOAN IFLAND, founder of the Refined Food Addiction Research Foundation and author of “Sugars and Flours, How They Make Us Crazy Sick, and Fat”
THIS BOOK SHOULD NOT only interest individuals who have failed classical diets and are looking for answers, but also for physicians who are interested in helping the obese subject lose weight.” DR. RICHARD JOHNSON, University of Colorado researcher and professor and author of “The Sugar Fix, The High Fructose Fallout That ls Making You Sick and Fat”
PRAGER’S SKILLS AS A journalist and his struggle with addiction make this a ‘must read’ if you or someone you love cannot separate themselves from a destructive relationship with food.” MARTIN LERNER, chief executive and clinical director, Milestones in Recovery, a Florida treatment center