Michael Prager is a speaker, author, journalist, and stay-at-home dad who lives in Arlington, Mass. He was an editor at newspapers in Ohio, Florida, Massachusetts, and Connecticut before joining the Boston Globe in 1993. He ended a fruitful relationship in 2007 when he accepted a buyout offer. After his family, his foremost goal is to spread the ideas in his 2007 book, "Fat Boy Thin Man," via all means available.
Michael Prager is a speaker, author, journalist, and stay-at-home dad who lives in Arlington, Mass. He was an editor at newspapers in Ohio, Florida, Massachusetts, and Connecticut before joining the Boston Globe in 1993. He ended a fruitful relationship in 2007 when he accepted a buyout offer. After his family, his foremost goal is to spread the ideas in his 2007 book, "Fat Boy Thin Man," via all means available. To that end, he has appeared on ABC's "World News Tonight," in the Washington Post twice, and in a range of regional and online media. He also connects through social media, and speaks before groups interested in learning about food addiction, how individuals are affected, its role in the nation's obesity epidemic, and related topics.